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Litigation Support Services for South Carolina and North Carolina.

Trial Exhibits

"I just finished my trial in Federal Court and wanted to write to tell you what a great job you did with my exhibit books. I'm always proud when our attorneys present the judge because I know our books are put together in a totally correct manner - and are proofed to ensure it. Accuracy and timeliness, as you know, are the most important cornerstones of the legal profession, and Legal Eagle is proving to be the brick mason who installed the cornerstone! Thank you again for your excellent work. I look forward to working with you soon."
- Carol H. Dobbins - Wyche, P.A. -
Trial Exhibits Support Services
For an attorney or law firm building an important case, the details about the presentation of evidence at trial can end up causing undue stress and take up time better spent on the case itself. That’s why Legal Eagle offers trial exhibit and courtroom preparation services to our clients throughout South Carolina.
Legal Eagle’s trial exhibit services are experienced and local. Our team creates multi-media presentations and organizes important legal evidence for trial or mediation. Legal Eagle allows your trial team to focus on the big picture. From pre-trial prep work to the final verdict, Legal Eagle stands ready to assist you with your most important cases. Let us enhance your trial exhibits and simplify your technical work with our turn-key services.
In-Court "Hot Seat" Technicians
Coordination and delivery of your evidence the right way at just the right time can make a lasting impression. Legal Eagle technicians can help you to accentuate your argument to the jury:
Managing technical audio/video equipment in the courtroom
Exhibit Annotation & Emphasis Tools
Side-by-Side Comparison Techniques
Sophisticated Multi-Media or Basic Slide Presentations
Witness Preparation Support
Maintaining and providing instant access to an exhibit database prior to and throughout the trial
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